Governing Council


UPDATED MEETING TIME: Meetings will be held on campus on the third Thursday of each month at 6 pm unless stated otherwise. Meetings will be livestreamed via Youtube.


The Governing Council welcomes public comments during the “Public Comments” portion of the governing council meeting agenda. Individuals wishing to make public comments shall complete a Public Comment form and submit it to the Council President by 12 noon the day of the Governing Council meeting.

Individual oral presentations will be limited to 3 minutes, unless extended by the Council President.

Request to speak during open forum:

PAPA Open Forum Guidelines:

PAPA Governing Council Youtube Channel:


1) Governing Council members are encouraged to attend all PAPA sponsored activities. There may be a quorum of members at any or all of the activities. Note that there will be no PAPA business discussed nor decisions made during any of the activities where a quorum is present.  For a listing of activities click here:

2) Due to the NMPED requirements for Governing Council training, there may be a quorum of members at any or all of the offered trainings.  Note that there will be no PAPA business discussed nor decisions made during any of the trainings where a quorum is present.  The list will be updated periodically as provided by the New Mexico Public Education Department.

NMPED Charter School Training Opportunities

Previous and current school year Minutes available in the PAPA Financial Office.

All meetings will be held at 11800 Princess Jeanne NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112.  An agenda will be available through the Public Academy for Performing Arts administrative offices and on the website at at least 72 hours prior to the meeting.  Persons requiring special accommodations should contact the administrative office at 830-3128 ext 0 at least 24 hours in advance.


11800 Princess Jeanne Ave NE
Rm 21 (unless otherwise indicated)
Albuquerque, NM 87112

*Agendas will be posted at least 72 hours in advance at this same location and on our website If you need assistance or special accommodations, please contact us at (505) 830-3128 at least 24 hours in advance

Barbara CampBell | President | | Email

Isaac Trujillo | Vice-President | | Email

Jessica Short | Secretary | | Email

Ranai Edwards | Parent | | Email

Paul Paradise | Community Member | | Email

David Littlefield | Parent | | Email

Kyle Malone | Parent | | Email

Carol Torrez | Faculty Representative | | Email

Virginia Wilmerding | Faculty Representative | | Email

Caroline Rucker | HS Student Council President

Alma Lebküchner González-Aller | National Honor Society President

PAPA Governing Council YouTube Meeting Archive 

For School Year 2024-2025