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Office Forms

Vehicle Registration – Parking on Campus


Want to volunteer or chaperone for field trips, fundraisers, dances or special events you will need to complete a background check. Please follow directions for completing the background check form below. Once we receive your cleared background check we will add you to a list and notify you about opportunities for volunteering.

IDENTOGO Background Check Steps


Activities Request Form

If your child will be out for sports or other arts related activities please use form below and drop off at main office with schedule from activity attached.

Student Activity Absence Approval Request

HS Dance Guest Permission Form 2025

Per Student Handbook

All absences are closely monitored at PAPA. An attempt will be made to investigate unexplained absences. However, attendance is the responsibility of parents and students. Providing documentation to excuse absences is the responsibility of parents and students. All documentation must be provided within 3 days of the absence. Excessive, unexcused absences may be reported to the appropriate state agencies for possible parent prosecution.

Attendance Policy

PAPA is a school of choice where attendance is critical in order for a student to be successful. Therefore, when the choice is made to attend PAPA, the choice is made to follow the New Mexico Compulsory School Attendance Law requiring that all students be in attendance while school is in session. School begins at 7:55a.m. 

Traffic is not generally an excusable reason for tardiness. As a “commuter school” parents and students need to adjust their time for travel if there is difficulty arriving by the start time.

Illness involves fever, diarrhea, vomiting, etc. are reasons to miss school. If your child is not experiencing this type of issue, there is no reason to claim an illness. Parents are encouraged to monitor student attendance through the PowerSchool system. Parents and students will receive a PowerSchool username and password during registration.

In the event of a necessary absence, parents are required to call the school and leave a message on the attendance line by 8:00 a.m. (505) 830-3128, ext. 5 or e-mail the attendance account at If it is not possible to give prior notice by phone or e-mail, the parent/guardian must provide the school office with a written explanation of the absence upon the student’s return to school. If this does not occur, the absence will be considered unexcused. A doctor/dentist note or court document must be provided to the school attendance clerk as soon as the student returns in order to excuse such absences. Excused absences include doctor/dentist appointments, court appearance, religious reasons, illness, family emergency, and bereavement. Excessive absence (particularly for parent call-ins for illness without medical documentation) may require the approval of the executive director to excuse future absences. Vacations are not considered excused absences. Tardies in excess of 15 minutes are considered an absence for that class period. 

Student Handbook 23-24

Calls for absences will be updated within 24 hours. 

Dance Forms – Release of Liability

Release of Liability Waiver Dance

Exención de responsabilidad del participante de baile

Health Forms

Here at PAPA we do not have a nurse. We do have health assistants who are able to take your child’s temperature and assess whether or not your child is well enough to stay at school. If we determine that your child needs to go home we will call a guardian/parent for pick up. We ask that you pick them up in a timely manner within 30 minutes if possible. Any absences due to illness will be excused and students should check PowerSchool and Google classroom to keep up with assignments they might miss on the days they are out. Every student who is out sick will get two days to make up work and turn in to their teacher.

Unique Meal Time Needs

Seizure Medical Plan



Vax Exempt Form

Asthma Action Plan

Allergy Action Plan & Medication Authorization

Diabetes Medical Plan

Med Authorization Form

GSP Request Form

Registration Forms – For students who have been selected through the lottery.

Documents we need you to provide to complete your childs file.

  1. Birth certificate (required to register)
  2. Immunization Record (required to register)
  3. Withdrawal Form/Disenrollment Form from current school (required to register) 
  4. Middle school – most recent report card/transcript & most recent standardized test
  5. High school – most recent transcript & attendance record
  6. IEP/504/SAT/BIP (if applicable)
  7. Any legal documents – custody, name change, etc. (if applicable)

Fillable PDF’s will need to be completed and brought to registration or completed at school. 

Lack of correspondence will result in forfeiture of the enrollment spot and your child will be put at the bottom of the waitlist (if requested).