Contact Us, General Hours, Careers


  • Email:
  • Transcript Request
  • Email:
  • Phone: +1-505-830-3128
  • Extensions:
  • 0 – Front Office/Administration
  • 1 – Special Services
  • 2 – Academic Transition Specialist
  • 3 – Business Office
  • 4 – Arts Coordinator
  • 5 – Attendance Line
  • 6 – Registrar
  • 7 – Social Worker
  • 8 – Health Office
  • 0 – General Mailbox
  • Fax: +1-505-830-9930


If you are looking for afterschool care try the following programs:

Jeanne Bellamah Center
Register for afterschool care by searching this website for afterschool care Jeanne Bellamah Center:

11516 Summer NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
(505) 767-5910

McLeod Family YMCA
12500 Comanche Rd NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111
(505) 595-1515



Please note – PAPA has moved.

Public Academy for Performing Arts
11800 Princess Jeanne Ave NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87112


School Year 2024-2025

School Hours | Monday – Friday | 7:30am – 4:30pm

Closed Saturday and Sunday

Inclement Weather

If the city of Albuquerquer is on a delay, we will close.  If we close, Mrs. Lopez will notify you via School Messenger/email.

If only mountain schools are delayed or closed, we are open at our regular time. We are not an APS mountain school. This information is available in our parent/student handbook posted on our school website.

Attendance Line

Leave a message on the attendance line by 8:00a.m. (505) 830-3128, ext. 5 or e-mail the attendance account at If it is not possible to give prior notice by phone or e-mail, the parent/guardian must provide the school office with a written explanation of the absence upon the student’s return to school. If this does not occur, the absence will be considered unexcused. A doctor/dentist note or court document must be provided to the school attendance clerk as soon as the student returns in order to excuse such absences.



PAPA is an equal opportunity employer 2024-2025 school year. PAPA is a highly successful charter school focusing on college preparation and performing arts.
Current Openings

An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer

2024-2025 School Year

Looking for Substitutes

Supporting Teachers and Families, become a Sub! Click Here

Seeking candidates to Substitute Teach for grades 6-12. Applicants must be licensed through the New Mexico Public Education Department. If interested please call Financial Assistant Jackie Danfelser at (505) 830-3128 ext 3 to set up an appointment to pick up at Substitute Teacher package.




What kind of school is the Public Academy for Performing Arts?

PAPA is a public charter school funded through the NM Public Education Department and authorized by Albuquerque Public Schools. PAPA is governed through a council of 5-7 parents and community members. PAPA provides students in grades 6-12 with a college preparatory education and an elective focus on performing arts.

What is the mission of PAPA?

PAPA’s mission is to integrate a rigorous college preparatory curriculum with the performing arts and prepare students to pursue their passions and talents.

Will PAPA increase its student enrollment?

The current enrollment is 450. Increasing enrollment is contingent upon construction projects which are on hold.

How do I enroll my child at PAPA?

Students gain admission into PAPA by participating in our annual Lottery. The next lottery window opens every January.  .

Does PAPA provide transportation?

PAPA does not provide transportation.  However, many parents are willing to carpool. Sign up for carpool in July at final registration.

How much does it cost to attend PAPA?

There is no tuition to attend PAPA. However, there are some fees associated with extra curricular activities associated with academic and performing arts classes to cover the cost of things like transportation, entrance fees, meals and costumes.


Can I have a tour of PAPA?

We welcome you to attend the Prospective Student Open House which is held annually in February.

Does PAPA allow prospective students to shadow current students?

PAPA does not offer shadowing. However, you are welcome to attend any PAPA performance. Most are low cost or free. Check out the calendar on our website for dates, time and cost.  We also hold a Prospective Student Open House in February.

Where do student performances take place?

PAPA performs at different venues throughout the city including other high school PAC’s, NHCC, churches, theaters, etc.

What is the best way to contact teachers when I have a concern?

The most efficient way is through email.  All staff emails follow the same format with the first letter of the first name followed by the last name and

How do I obtain a transcript?

You may request academic records from the PAPA Registrar, Ms. Lucero. Her email address is  Please allow 24 hours for your request to be processed.

How do I access my child’s Power School information?

PAPA Registrar, Lucy Lucero would be happy to help you with the Power School process. You can email her at

My child needs to take medicine at school. What should I do?

You will need to have your child’s physician fill out a med authorization form, found under forms page. Bring the prescription in the original bottle and the completed form to the front office. It will be stored in a Medicine Safe Lock Box. Medications will be given as per the instructions provided by your child’s physician.  Please note, PAPA does not allow students to carry any medication at school.

Does PAPA serve breakfast?

Yes, we are serving breakfast now. 730-755am.

Where do I get questions answered concerning my child’s attendance?

Please call 830-3128 ext 0, visit the front office during business hours – 7:30am to 4:30pm

If your child has an upcoming arts or sports absence you will need to complete a Student Activities Absence Approval Request Form.

If my child plans to return to PAPA next year what do I need to do?

Please fill out the online Intent to Return form annually in December.

Are extracurricular activities excused?

You must fill out a Student Activities Absence Approval Request Form and submit it along with supporting documentation a week before the absence. Link to the form is found under forms.

My student is sick – how do I notify the school?

Please call the attendance line at (505) 830-3128 ext 5. If your child is out of school because of an appointment we are happy to excuse the absence with a doctors note. You can email a note to

You can also fax the note to (505) 830-9930.

You can also mail the note to:

Public Academy for Performing Arts
11800 Princess Jeanne Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87112
Attn: Attendance

How can I meet the teachers?

Come to the prospective student open house at the end of Janurary.