9/16/24 Announcements

Reminder parents: There is no drop-off or pick-up at the fire line in front of the building by the flagpole. Use the first two spaces to park if you need to drop off/pick up for extenuating circumstances only. Otherwise, use the bus loop or west parking lot for drop off/pick up thank you.

Students driving to school are required to park in the west parking lot. The lot is secured at 8:30 every morning. If you need to get in or out of the lot or any accommodations call the front office at 505-830-3128. Students are not allowed to access the parking lot or vehicles during the school day. If you need something from your car come to the front office for an escort.

Hello! My name is Patrick Walker, and I am the newest edition to the PAPA staff! I was a substitute teacher last year and I am so excited to be teaching in my own classroom. Some fun facts about me are I graduated from Northern Arizona University with a bachelor’s in business administration with a focus in fashion merchandising, I play volleyball for one of New Mexico’s National men’s teams, and my favorite thing to do when I’m not grading papers is read. While attending NAU I was a teaching assistant and tutor for calculus, so I have some experience explaining math principles. I believe that Algebra is the foundation for future math courses and because of that, I will strive to ensure that my classroom is a safe space for students to ask questions and make mistakes, that way we can build a solid base for future courses. Again I can not express how excited I am to be teaching this year, it’s going to be PAPARIFIC!

Students, this is a friendly reminder that you must have a pass when you are out of class during class time. Check with your teacher for a pass.

Parents, please give staff 24 – 48 hours to respond to emails or phone calls. If you have not received an email or call back please call the front office for further assistance.

Possession or distribution of tobacco products, e-cigarettes, nicotine liquid containers, alcohol, mood-altering substances, and illicit drugs in school buildings, school premises, and away from school grounds at school-sponsored activities is prohibited for all. This includes students, staff, and families.

PAPA families, we have revamped the front office to be more inviting and inclusive for our students, parents, and staff. Stop by and say hello when you are here. If you do not receive positive customer service in the office, please let us know through email at tlopez@paparts.org or jmolina@paparts.org. We want students and parents to get help or what they need when they come visit the front office. This is a work in progress. Thank you for your patience while we refine the processes. You can let us know when things go right too!

We are now admitting 6th and 9th grade students to PAPA. Do you know a student in 6th or 9th grade who loves performing arts and wants to be ready for college after high school? Let them know, help us spread the word.

Breakfast and lunch are free for students thanks to the federal lunch program and the state of New Mexico. In accordance with national school lunch guidelines, we will not allow competing food, or outside food deliveries. Students may bring their own food from home or eat in the cafe’. We encourage all students to eat during lunchtime to fuel their brains for the full school day.

We are seeking candidates to Substitute Teach for grades 6-12 for the 2024-2025 School Year. Applicants must be licensed through the New Mexico Public Education Department. If interested please call Financial Assistant Jackie Danfelser at (505) 830-3128 ext 3 to set up an appointment to pick up the Substitute Teacher package.

The Student Advisory Council and Student Health Advisory Council meet once a quarter to advise the school community on student issues. Parents and guardians are invited to meet. The next meeting dates are 11/19, 2/11, and 3/25 at 8:15 am.

8th period lite is next Wednesday, September 25th. 8th lite are time when teachers can collaborate together in professional learning communities, on these days there are no 8th period classes except for study skills. If you are enrolled in an 8th period class and cannot get picked up after 7th period at 3:18, NHS will host a study hall in the cafe. 8th period lite days are: 9/25, 10/30, 11/20, 1/29, 2/26, 3/26, 4/30.

Open auditions for High School Musical Theatre’s production of CHICAGO are coming up soon! If you would like to be a part of the CHICAGO cast, look for the Audition Notice and Audition Form posted on the call boards outside of the front office and Ms. Sunny’s Classroom (Room 19). Anyone in high school who is interested in being a part of our production of CHICAGO, please read the Audition Information, take a picture of it, review the information with your parents, and if our schedule works with you, use the posted QR code to access the audition form. Auditions will take place September 18th, 19th, and 20th. If you have any questions, please speak with Mr. Bennett or Mr. Heard.

Hello PAPA People, Your PAPA 2025 Yearbook Staff is super excited to document your year! Save the Date for 9.24.24 for our PAPA Headshot Day. It’s like a school photo but soooooo much better. It’s a professional Headshot for auditions, casting calls, CV’s!

ATTENTION PAPA 2025 Seniors! Mark Your Calendars for your Senior Cap & Gown Photo Day for the 2025 PAPA Yearbook. 10.18.24. Be there or be square.

2025 Yearbook Group Photo Day 10.22.24. We will take photos of all of the elective classes, after-school clubs, Student Councils and Associations. So be ready with all of your wardrobe, instruments, department t-shirts, and attitudes! It’s an all-day event!

5•7•10 RULE
● Five unexcused absences: When a child has accumulated five unexcused absences, school personnel will arrange a meeting at the school with the parent or legal guardian to discuss the unexcused absences. A plan to improve attendance will be developed and implemented.
● Seven unexcused absences: When a child has accumulated seven unexcused absences, school personnel will arrange a second meeting at the school with the parent or legal guardian to review the attendance plan and discuss the impact of truancy on the future of the child. At this time, the child may enter into an attendance contract requiring him or her to attend school regularly or other consequences may be applied (i.e., removal from PAPA to attend the child’s home school in the case of transportation issues).
● Ten unexcused absences: If a student has accumulated an equivalent of ten or more unexcused absences within a school year, the parent shall be given written notice by personal service or certified mail that the student is habitually truant and is not in compliance with the Compulsory Attendance School Law. At that time, the student shall be reported to the probation services office of the judicial district where the student resides for an investigation as to whether the student shall be considered to be a neglected child or a child in a family in need of services because of habitual truancy.
Being Present Matters!

Alongside is a tool available to all students 24/7. Students can chat with the llama Kiwi, request an appointment with a counselor, learn skills, journal, play games, and more. To access the app login with your school email or enter app.alongside.care into any internet browser and log in there.

National Hispanic
Hertiage Month
September 15 – October 15
Each year, Americans observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from September 15 to October 15, by celebrating the histories, cultures, and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. The observation started in 1968 as Hispanic Heritage Week under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover 30 days starting on September 15 and ending on October 15. It was enacted into law on August 17, 1988.

September 17th: Constitution Day
The Constitution of the United States is a written document that outlines the fundamental principles and laws of the country. It was created in 1787 and has since served as the foundation of the American government. The Constitution establishes how the government operates, the powers of different branches, and the rights of citizens. So what is “Constitution Day?” Constitution Day is celebrated every year on September 17th to honor the signing of the Constitution in 1787. It is a day when Americans reflect on the importance of the Constitution and the principles it represents. Constitution Day is also an opportunity to educate people about their rights as citizens and the role of the Constitution in protecting those rights. On Constitution Day, students can learn about the history of the Constitution, its key components, and how it affects their daily lives. For example, understanding the Bill of Rights helps students recognize their freedoms and responsibilities as citizens.